













  Have a read through the testimonials to gain a better understanding of the concrete results my clients have been experiencing   


  I can't recommend her enough....

Danielle has acted as my mentor, coach, and supporter for a very long time now. Even before her own personal journey into hypnosis/RTT. In moments where I have felt panicked, anxious, and unsure of myself in both personal and career matters, I have found my spaghetti of thoughts hard to untangle, often ending in a head fog affecting my ability to concentrate, focus and affecting other areas of my life. Danielle has been my calming presence throughout all my big moments, offering gentle but firm guidance to untangle my messy thoughts through to mental clarity. Danielle’s highly empathetic and kind nature allows her to be adaptive in her techniques to tailor to individuals, which I much prefer. This has helped develop trust early on in the process and I have always felt super comfortable throughout all our interactions, whilst challenging questions need to be tackled the way Danielle does it, you don’t even realise you’ve already answered it in the process. Making the ‘A-Ha’ moments so much sweeter on the journey of clarity. I have also found serenity in her relaxation recording and not only because of her soothing tone but more importantly the positive affirmations, not only has this helped me sleep during stressful times but also helped me be kinder to myself. I can't recommend her enough. Head of Business Development, London   |     |  

  Life is too short to live with persistent doubts and anxiety - I highly recommend Danielle....

Danielle is a top-notch coach/therapist. I learnt more from her in a few conversations, than I did in years of executive coaching and therapy combined together. She is intelligent, perceptive, empathetic, and she understands pressurised environments, tight deadlines, and the horrible fear of failing. I used to put a huge pressure on myself, and criticise and blame myself constantly, without even noticing it. I never realised that I was very anxious of failing or being judged as a failure and had no trust in myself. Danielle helped me when I could not take this anxiety and negative views of the world and myself anymore. She uses a very clever combination of Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT) and coaching/training. I found the RTT session truly fascinating. It was an incredible experience that made me feel instantly much lighter, and for the first time in peace with myself and truly believing I deserve to be happy...I still do. I love Danielle's recordings because they are personalised and speak to me. Her voice is convincing but also soothing and calming. With the follow-up coaching, I have learnt amazing skills for life. I am now teaching them to my husband, my children and my friends, as they are so helpful. I have never felt so calm, composed, confident, good about myself and optimistic. Life is too short to live with persistent doubts, self-defeating thoughts and anxiety etc... and I know now it's possible to get rid of these and feel much better, with the right method and the right person so I can only highly recommend Danielle. She is brilliant! Assistant General Counsel, London   |     |  

  I only wish I had known Danielle earlier. I can only highly recommend her....

Danielle was recommended to me because I was struggling with low confidence at work and in my private life. I found her to be very knowledgeable, approachable and she put me at ease immediately. Her technique is different from other therapies as we didn’t spend ages talking about my issues, and how they made me feel. Danielle’s approach is concrete, down to earth and solution-focused, with an excellent sense of humour. During the RTT/hypnosis sessions, I understood where my low-confidence was coming from, and it was surprising for me. This was an amazing experience that freed me from old toxic stuffs and from the imposter syndrome I was struggling with. This is the only method that really worked for me. Danielle’s recordings are personalised and her coaching sessions are also brilliant! I have learnt practical skills for life with her, and it would have taken days/weeks of training with anyone else. I am still surprised at how confident, self-assured, positive, and relaxed I am now. I would never have thought this was possible, and I am delighted with the results. All my friends and family have seen the difference and a year later, they are still commenting on my transformation and how well I look. I only wish I had known Danielle earlier. I can only highly recommend her.   |     |  

  I never knew I could be this confident, self-assured, relaxed positive person. ...

I have known Danielle for years as a smart and efficient colleague in Banking, then as a brilliant coach and friend. I grew up in a loving and very supportive family so never understood how and why I could not trust or even like myself. I had not realised how much this was affecting me, until I missed yet another promotion at work, and suffered from a terrible nervous breakdown. Danielle was amazing: understanding, kind, supportive, non-judgmental but challenging my harsh judgements on myself, gently but firmly. If anyone else had told me about a revolutionary method with quick and permanent results, I would have been very sceptical. I had tried hypnotherapy and even mindfulness before, both being cheap but useless for me. The whole experience with Danielle was completely different. Her approach and techniques are solution focused and her programmes very well-designed. The hypnosis sessions were very powerful, and the follow-up coaching reinforced some powerful skills that I now have for life. I never knew I could be this confident, self-assured, relaxed positive person. Months later I am still astonished at the success of this experience. For me it has been plenty of positive transformations at work, with my boyfriend, my family, and my friends. Danielle told me once it was never too late to feel better and be happier and I am the living proof of this. Working with her is a treat so I can only highly recommend her. Head of CEO Office, London.   |     |  

  She really knows what's she is talking about, and this was the most inspiring experience ever....

I came to Danielle for persistent anxiety, and very low self-esteem and low confidence. By this time, I had been in therapy for more than 15 years, but I learnt more in a few weeks with her than I had in all years in therapy. Danielle gently helped me to understand the cause of the symptoms that were controlling and ruining my life, and that changed everything. She uses a mixture of powerful techniques in a very safe, non-judgmental, respectful, and professional manner. At first, I was very nervous about the hypnosis, but she explained everything to me very clearly, and put me at ease. She really knows what's she is talking about, and this was the most inspiring experience ever. I feel like a new person, confident, positive, full of respect, self-trust, and kindness for myself (for the first time in my life) and this feels fantastic. Everything has improved in my life. I have been working with my current psychotherapist for 8 years and she was so impressed with the results that we have agreed to end the therapy. How amazing is that? I only wish I had met Danielle earlier. Chief Analyst New York.   |     |  

  After working with you for not even 3 months, I feel strong, resilient, confident, optimistic, and happy with myself....

Dear Danielle I honestly don't know how to thank you for helping me so quickly and so efficiently with this debilitating anxiety, and all the terrible things I was telling myself without even realising it. This has been a life-changing positive experience and I understand why your clients speak so highly of you. You know from your own experience that Finance is not an industry where men feel free to talk about anxiety, fear, let alone doubts and low confidence. It's very easy to feel hopeless, isolated, and guilty of not 'getting a grip' when anxiety hits the roof, and we think that everyone else gets it right easily. I like numbers, data analysis, spreadsheets, and statistics, and had absolutely no interest in mind theories before meeting you. What I immediately liked was your down to earth, and no-nonsense approach. You clearly have a wide knowledge and experience in coaching, psychology, and problem-solving techniques, but you explain everything very clearly and I really like your sense of humour. I use your funny examples all the time in my private and professional life now. Many thanks for your help, your dedication, and your non-judgmental understanding and support, Danielle. After working with you for not even 3 months, I feel strong, resilient, confident, optimistic, and happy with myself. Your clients are very lucky, and you are going to be very successful. Business Partner, Geneva & London   |     |  

  Danielle has opened my world to an entirely new way of healing....

After 25 years of conventional therapy with little to no results. Danielle has opened my world to an entirely new way of healing. This has truly transformed my life. I used to struggle with anxiety, self-esteem issues, and managing my past trauma. Danielle freed me of these burdens of my past and taught me how to let go. I’ve become a positive, confident, and powerful women. I feel lighter and happier in my day-to-day life. My past struggles and regrets are history. I understand now that I have control over what I let in and who I let into my life. I now focus on my future and bettering my relationship with the one I love. I waste no time on negativity and only use my energy on the positives. The skills I have learnt from the coaching sessions are really powerful and I incorporate Danielle’s recordings into my daily routine. They are a great reminder to stay positive and on track. I would highly recommend Danielle and RTT to anyone who is dealing with unresolved pain or trauma. I eat better, I sleep better, and I live better I feel healed for the first time in my life, and it feels amazing! Finance Analyst, Boston   |     |  

  The whole experience was life-changing. I would highly recommend Danielle...

I started with the first programme because I was nervous, but from the first session, Danielle put me at ease. She really knows what Investment Banking means in term of pressure, fear, and isolation when things don't go too well. The hypnosis was an incredible experience and helped me getting rid of old toxic stuffs. The coaching helped me to use my mind in a much smarter and helpful way. The whole experience was life-changing as I feel good about myself for the first time in my life. I would highly recommend Danielle as she is excellent and I loved working with her! Operations Analyst   |     |   London

  Une expérience incroyable & enrichissante dont on sort grandi et changé. Je recommande à 1000%, ...

Danielle intervient en tant que coach au sein de mon entreprise et depuis l'année dernière j'ai eu la chance d'avoir des sessions avec elle. La première impression, c'est qu'elle met tout de suite à l'aise et on sent une sincère générosité. C'est ce qui m'a notamment permis d'évoluer et de travailler avec Danielle sur le long terme. Une relation de confiance s'est installée. Danielle m'a tout d'abord coachée sur mon problème de confiance en soi et la légitimité dans le milieu professionnel. Lorsque j'ai commencé, bien que j'étais ouverte aux sessions mais également au changement, je ne pensais à aucun moment en arriver au résultat actuel. C'est quelque chose qu'on ressent intérieurement et qui se voit aussi à l'extérieur. Une nouvelle assurance, de la confiance, de nouveaux outils pour aborder des choses qui pouvaient sembler difficile et surtout stressantes. Ce sont bien évidemment des choses qui se travaillent mais avec l'aide de Danielle, c'est une aventure à tenter absolument. Le bien-être et la fierté qu'on peut ressentir après tout ça, est juste formidable. Le coaching m'a autant aidé au niveau professionnel que personnel car Danielle donne de l'importance à tout ce qui entoure la personne. Au fur et à mesure de nos sessions, Danielle m'a proposée de l'hypnothérapie pour lutter contre le syndrome de l'imposteur qui était ancré en moi depuis le tout jeune âge, quelque chose qu'elle a su déceler assez rapidement. C'était une expérience incroyable, enrichissante mais également profonde, car on va chercher au plus profond de soi. Encore une fois, on en sort grandi et changé. Je peux désormais rencontrer des clients sans cette appréhension de ne pas avoir ma place, m'imposer quand il le faut, prendre la parole sans avoir peur. L'aventure avec Danielle, c'est réussir l'impensable et surtout dans la bonne humeur. Toujours ! Danielle s'investit à fond dans chacun de ses clients et se rend toujours disponible. Elle aime les gens et elle aime les voir réussir. Je recommande à 1000%,. » Une expérience incroyable, et enrichissante dont on sort grandi et changé. Je recommande à 1000%, vous vous sentirez tellement mieux Label Manager, Music   |     |   Paris

  Géniale pour vous aider à reprendre confiance en vous - Pas besoin de longue thérapie...

J'ai la chance d'avoir eu Danielle comme coach, vraiment incroyable, elle est très pragmatique, utilise des méthodes efficaces. Ses programmes utilisent des techniques puissantes l. Pas besoin de faire de longues thérapies, de plus Danielle s'adapte à chaque personne, car c'est une femme créative et qui aime vraiment aider les autres. Elle est géniale pour vous aider à reprendre confiance en vous et à vous débarrasser du syndrome de l'imposteur, mais elle fait plus que ça, elle associe différentes techniques dont l'hypnose, et vous permet de réaliser qui vous êtes, comment et pourquoi, et comment faire au mieux avec et de ce que vous êtes. Franchement, c'est précieux, rapide efficace, et très instructif sur soi-même, et ses tarifs sont vraiment très raisonnables, BRAVO ET MERCI Danielle. N'hésitez pas, tenter l'expérience vous n'en reviendrez pas Head of Business Development - Asset Management   |   Multimedia  |   London

  Je suis dirigeant d’une grande entreprise. J’avais vraiment une très mauvaise opinion des coaches avant de travailler avec Danielle....

J’avais vraiment une très mauvaise opinion des coaches avant de travailler avec Danielle, et je ne l’aurais jamais contactée si mon épouse n’avait pas insisté, mais elle est impressionnante. Comme souvent, ma femme avait raison ! Je suis dirigeant d’une grande entreprise et suite à un conseil d’administration particulièrement difficile, j’ai commencé à douter de moi, de mes compétences, de ma valeur, de ma capacité à executer mon mandat. Je ruminais, tournais en rond, et n’arrivais pas à remonter la pente. Quand j’ai commencé à me réveiller angoissé la nuit, ma femme a insisté pour que je me fasse aider. Danielle n’est pas une coach classique avec un discours inutilement compliqué. Elle est très claire, honnête et fine mais aussi très humaine et authentique. De par son experience, elle comprend tres bien les enjeux, et la pression sur les dirigeants à tous les niveaux. Son approche concrete et pratique m’a beaucoup aidé à gérer des situations humaines complexes. Elle m’a inspirée confiance tout de suite, ce qui est très rare. J’étais intrigué par son utilisation de l’hypnose et en faisant des recherches, j’ai découvert que les techniques qu’elle utilise, sont testées scientifiquement et que les résultats ont été constatés par des études sérieuses. C’est vraiment quelqu’un qui s’est formée pour offrir les meilleurs outils à ses clients. Elle m’a beaucoup aidé a manager le stress, retrouver ma résilience, retrouver confiance en moi, et devenir un meilleur leader, plus authentique, plus à l’écoute, allant de l’avant et faisant confiance à ma vision et capacité à partager ma passion avec mes équipes. L’hypnose a été une experience incroyable qui m’a permis de comprendre beaucoup de choses sur moi et de me libérer d’un passé oppressant. J’ai aussi beaucoup aimé les relaxations courtes. Aujourd’hui c’est un moment sacré que je m’accorde chaque jour, quel que soit mon planning et quoi qu’il arrive. Je recommande vivement les programmes de Danielle. C’est une excellente coach, passionnée, digne de confiance, avec des techniques efficaces, une approche creative et beaucoup d’humour. Si vous avez la chance de travailler avec elle, demandez-lui aussi de vous montrer ses peintures... PDG   |   Multimedia  |   Région Parisienne

  One of my best investments. Perfect alternative to extensive therapy or boring coaching. ...

I manage teams all over Europe and have had numerous executive coaching programmes in my career, but I learnt more with Danielle in 4 months, than I did in years of coaching and leadership trainings. Her experience of tough business environments, challenging stakeholders, and constantly evolving market needs made a huge difference. Danielle understands what 'alone at the top' means and the pressure I was under. She helped me manage the stress efficiently so it would not become overwhelming. I really enjoyed her concrete coaching and mindset techniques, which I will use for the rest of my life. I found hypnosis really fascinating. Understanding how my mind worked was an incredible experience that I would highly recommend to anyone. Working with Danielle was one of my best investments! I now control tress, instead of letting it control me and she helped me get rid of some old and persistent self-doubt that was pestering me. I feel calmer, better equipped to deal with any challenges, and everyone around has noticed the difference, starting with my wife and children, and my teams. if like me you don't want a long programme or talking to a therapist for months, I highly recommend Danielle. One of my best investments I manage teams all over Europe and have had numerous executive coaching programmes in my career, but I learnt more with Danielle in 4 months, than I did in years of coaching and leadership trainings. Her experience of tough business environments, challenging stakeholders, and constantly evolving market needs made a huge difference. Danielle understands what 'alone at the top' means and the pressure I was under. She helped me manage the stress efficiently so it would not become overwhelming. I really enjoyed her concrete coaching and mindset techniques, which I will use for the rest of my life. I found hypnosis really fascinating. Understanding how my mind worked was an incredible experience that I would highly recommend to anyone. Working with Danielle was one of my best investments! I now control tress, instead of letting it control me and she helped me get rid of some old and persistent self-doubt that was pestering me. I feel calmer, better equipped to deal with any challenges, and everyone around has noticed the difference, starting with my wife and children, and my teams. if like me you don't want a long programme or talking to a therapist for months, I highly recommend Danielle. Head of Global Markets Investment Banking London Head of Global Markets   |   Investment Banking  |   London

  Years of therapy and coaching did not achieve half of what Danielle did for me in only a few months...

When I met Danielle, I was a control freak on the verge of insanity, constantly thinking of the worst possible scenarios or what others were thinking. Danielle gently explained to me what control was and for the first time, I did not feel judged, or blamed. I realised fear was running my life and I was absolutely sick of it. The other thing I liked is that Danielle asked about my medical history including hormonal changes that had been debilitating. That made me book an appointment and start HRT which changed my life, but I still wanted to sort the control issue. Hypnosis made me see what had caused it, and what was triggering it. With Danielle's expert and gentle guidance I was able to let it go and eradicate hurtful beliefs from my childhood. I did not know any of this but the impact had been dramatic on my life. The hypnosis sessions were very liberating. We then moved on to the CBT tools and training on mindset, and I learnt how to tackle the negative voice that had been a nuisance for decades. Not anymore! The work with Danielle was profound without being dull, and very practical and educational. The quality of her coaching, her knowledge, and her dedication made the programme adapted to me and very helpful. I love her creative approach and sense of humour. I always came out of the sessions, or telephone catch ups feeling uplifted, and more optimistic. Danielle is a great coach and hypnotherapist, knowledgeable, approachable, and trustworthy. Working with her is the best present you can do to yourself. Go for it! You won't regret it. Head of Communications   |   Asset Management  |   London

  It takes a lot to impress me, but the session blew me away...

I went to see Danielle because of persisting self-doubts at a moment where I was struggling with the pressure at work and at home, and not feeling myself anymore. During our first conversation, as she was listening to what I was describing, Danielle asked me about my last medical check and whether someone had checked my hormones. As a 45 years old man, I was really surprised by this, and made a joke that I might be pre-menopausal like my sister. However, my doctor confirmed that some of the things I was experiencing could come from a testosterone deficiency and the tests proved exactly that. Since then, I have been wondering how many men suffer from this without knowing that a simple test and treatment can make a real difference. When I saw Danielle again, I was feeling more myself and we started to work on issues I had been struggling with for a long time at work, and in my relationships. The first thing I would say about Danielle is that she uses very practical evidence-based techniques, which works very well for me. I was very nervous about hypnosis but after one particularly deep conversation, I decided that Danielle was the best person to try it. It takes a lot to impress me, but the session blew me away! I never expected it to be so deep and so powerful. Danielle is really gifted, and her knowledge and intuition are remarkable. Since then, I had another hypnosis session and a few coaching sessions that have all reinforced the transformation in my life and helped me dealing with challenges in a very different and more helpful way. I highly recommend Danielle. Her techniques are great, and hypnosis is a fantastic experience that changed my life for the best. Everyone around has commented on the positive changes they saw in me these past 6 months. For the first time in years, I have been promoted and offered the opportunity to attend a programme for the top talents of the company. None of these would have happened without Danielle's help so I highly recommend her. Head of Business Development   |   Investment Banking  |   London

  Danielle is the best person to see if you are struggling with stress...

Danielle is the best person to see if you are struggling with stress and recurring difficulties. Working with her means you’ll have some supportive coaching in addition to hypnotherapy, and 1:1 training on very helpful techniques (all scientifically proved). Danielle’s hypnotherapy technique is mind-blowing and much more powerful, than the ones I tried before. Months later, I am still benefiting from my session. The programme is actually educational and very helpful. Danielle is very approachable and funny, and her knowledge, experience, and instinct are very impressive. Since I have been working with her, I feel calmer and cope much better with pressure. I don’t panic or procrastinate anymore, and I keep listening to her relaxation recording every day. I extended the programme as I wanted some specific coaching for work and Danielle made a real difference. I am more focussed and with her help, I finally got the promotion I was never able to get before, even after working with the leadership and executive coaching firm my company uses. I would highly recommend Danielle. She is an excellent hypnotherapist and my favourite coach! Head of Development   |   Jul 2024  |   Head of Development








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