










Take the first step to break free of self-doubt, fear of failing, fear of public speaking, permanently 


Solution programmes

3 solution programmes:  each with bespoke training, coaching,, with evidence-based techniques adapted to you.

6->9-week programme

  • 1x Deep dive assessment and pre-consult session 60-90  minutes via Zoom
  • 1x Relaxation recording 
  • 1x Hypnotherapy/RTT sessions 1.5 to 2 hours
  • 1 x follow up session
  • 1x Personalised audios to listen at home
  • Tailored individual coaching 
  • Telephone/Zoom support 

Bonus -> Individual training on stress management, mindset techniques, and CBT skills

9->12-week  programme

  • 1x Deep dive assessment and pre-consult session 60-90  minutes via Zoom
  • 1x Relaxation recording 
  • 2x Hypnotherapy/RTT sessions 1.5 to 2 hours
  • 2x follow up sessions
  • 2 x personalised audios to listen at home
  • Tailored individual coaching 
  • Telephone/Zoom support  between sessions

Bonus -> Individual training on stress management, mindset techniques, and CBT skills 

12->16 week  programme

  • 1x Deep dive assessment and pre-consult session 60-90  minutes via Zoom
  • 1x Relaxation recording 
  • 3x Hypnotherapy/RTT sessions 1.5 to 2 hours
  • 3x follow up
  • 3 x personalised audios to listen at home
  • Tailored individual coaching 
  • Telephone/Zoom support 

Bonus -> Individual training on stress management, mindset techniques, and CBT skills



Book your free discovery call


For workshops and webinars, please please contact me at






Rapid Transformational Coaching 

Solutions and empowerment

Are you ready to move from doubts, frustration and anxiety to freedom, calm, confidence and resilience? Do you want to get rid of what's holding you and live your life as you really want? My programmes use evidence-based powerful techniques such as Cognitive Behaviour Coaching and, Hypnotherapy/Rapid Transformational Coaching  to help you break free from self-doubt, fear and negative thinking.

The Rapid Transformational approach uses hypnosis to help access the subconscious mind, and understand the root causes of any issues, instead of the symptoms, so individuals can tackle them quickly and permanently.

Testimonials    FAQ's

Iceberg representing conscious mind 






After working with you for not even 3 months, I feel strong, resilient, confident, optimistic, and happy with myself. Your clients are very lucky.

Read all Testimonials Here








Book a discovery call today.

For the past 13 years, I have successfully been helping professionals from highly pressurised industries (Finance, Investment Banking, video games, music etc.) eradicating self-defeating patterns, chronic self-doubt, fear of failing, after re-organisations, demotions, redundancies, as well as return to work after maternity and sick leave 

Book A Discovery Call   Contact Us